Monday, November 16, 2009

letter to the pool supervisor

Dear Mr. Healey,

My associate and I are BA students at Leeds College of Art and Design, and we are currently working on a project creating a campaign for a suicide help line, similar to the Samaritans, called Lifeline. Northern Ireland has one of the highest suicide rates in Europe, and this campaign is aimed at people there who are in despair or distress who need somebody to talk to. We were hoping to use your facilities to film a short sequence of a clothed man underwater for this campaign. I believe you have windows into the side of the pool, which would eliminate a lot of technical problems for filming. We would like to discuss the possible use of your facilities, and any health and safety issues that would need to be considered. Naturally we would pay for the use of your facilities if you agree to us using them, and/or credit Barnsley Metrodome's help in the making of the film. Thanks for taking the time to read our proposition.


Tom Thiel
Rob Blake 07814459032

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