Wednesday, November 11, 2009

evaluate and entertain.

As yet i am undecided as to which brief to follow. I'm interested in "staycation", "life-line" and "make museums sexy".

staycation is an interesting brief because it is calling out for an interesting take on british holidays. one thinks of adverts such as this -

a clever and entertaining homage to 60's advertising. My initial ideas were of a close up of someone enjoying/suffering english weather and doing all the cliches that we know and love about british culture - icecream, seaguls, caravans, walking.

the brief is called staycation - i.e. holidaying at home. a take on this could be leaving the front door to find yourself instantly in different exciting locations. the door could become a motif for the campaign as a whole. This is a predictable take however.

making museums sexy?

the brief i'm thinking about undertaking seriously is the lifeline one. Suicide has touched too many of us, and this needs a high level of sensitivity. It also needs to be effective and compelling.
My initial thoughts here are for a cross platform interactive film. Based around a central character - possibly not the character considering suicide but a friend or relative, the audience is able to alter the outcome of of the video piece, which will be on facebook, twitter, youtube etc.

As i said i've not got an idea i'm excited about running with. and am still coming up with new directions.

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