Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Animation old new comparison (animator vs animation) (Betty Boop)

Betty Boop is from a very different era to Animator…, (it was banned, possible because of drug references, or is smokey black? This is many years before the civil rights movement). It is made frame by frame, drawn on cells (film). The music is played by a live band (Cab Calloway), with sound effects probably dubbed live as well. It would have taken many man hours to create and been quite expensive. It would have been shown to kids, with probably a good deal of adult cross over (CAB calloway was a big star, interesting television was limited and Betty Boop was a bit of a looker).
Animator… was almost certainly made entirely by one person, in a few months at most, it is digitally made, with many parts being made with tweens and movie clips, which were not available to the makers of Betty Boop (though walk cycles for instance, are reused or looped). The sound would have been taken from an online database as opposed to being made by the producers. Aside from time and the original outlay for a PC this would have been free to make, and potentially could have been made by anybody with access to this equipment. It’s audience is entirely online, sadly there is little opportunity for cross over to other media for animation of this kind.

The two are similar in that they are highly exaggerated and surreal, the ghost sequence in Betty Boop is bizarre,dark (particularly the electric chairs) and highly stylized. Animator is a surreal concept from the offset and is full of impossibilities and suspension of belief (as is all animation really).
These two animations are very different in style but similar in that they are self aware, they are cartoons and don’t try to be realistic, they convey realism through exaggeration.

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