Tuesday, May 25, 2010


“Northern Film and Media” is another Regional development funded project, also funded by Film Council/Lottery funding. An interesting sponsor they have is “Skill Set” who are a creative sector skills funding organisation – i.e. to fund training and skills advancement, career development etc.
“Northern Film and Media” seem very similar to “Vision+Media” but with a less attractive website. They also seem more interested in commercial success

“Northern Film & Media will be looking to invest in projects with commercial potential.”

They offer £7000 toward a feature in a programme called a “Film Development Package”. They donate lots of different amounts; upon downloading their funded projects form - http://www.northernmedia.org/?pageid=108 you can see the variety of projects they’ve funded – from £130.30 to Clayport Film Club to £200,000.00 to Optimum’s “Rafta Rafta”.
It is interesting how geared toward commercial success this organisation is, though this makes economic sense in the depression, it is not necessarily the best way to fund the arts. Creative new work is a gamble; and success is never guaranteed, though when these things work they open a lot more doors than predictable, money spinning projects – such as “The Full Monty” in comparison with Emmerdale.

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